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Theres a secret/
That eats at/
Me, believe it/
I dont need this/
Apprehension building, yet its creeping/
My hearts bleeding/
For you when I know it shouldnt/
But look at/
It from my perspective and book it/
A button youre pushing/
By claiming youre innocent/
Im facing the bitterness/
And erasing your insolence/
Betrayal is filling this/
Space that you carved out/
I may have sparked doubt/
In your mind, but I hate to alarm now/
Because you seem like youve finally moved on/
Youve proved all/
Of your demons knew wrong/
But the truth's caught/
Fire in the belly of your conscience/
Telling and constant/
How youve buried the prospect/
Of carrying nonsense/
While blaring your bomb threat/
Ensaring the convent/
Of their love, youve levied the wrong net/
Its scary to crawl dead/
Through the valley of shadow/
Despairing and lost yet/
Im staring you down bro/
How long had I suffered/
I was cast and asunder/
Brash and unloved/
Because of my passion for justice/
I battled my brother/
And came up empty handed/
My weapons landed/
Heavily on the trembling canvas/
Of my enemy's practice/
And I was plenty distracted/
Especially active/
When my memories grabbed me/
And became the death of me, latched in/
Immeasurably trapped in/
Descending arachnids/
Crawl all over me, as obscenities matched them/
Please God, deliver me as Im mentally ravaged/
But I eventually managed/
To see the light, a pinprick/
I would fight, not dying for this shit/
It gets explicit/
But I finished/
And as I gaze back down/
At my triumph I stand out/
Stronger and damn proud/
I laugh loud/
I also laugh last/
No longer snapped back/
A prisoner of my damn past/
Scratch that/
Now my demons are servants/
To my increasingly fervent/
Devotion to Jesus and opening/
Doors that had stayed shut/
But I prayed some/
Powerful words and remain touched/
By His power, so I break up/
With my negativity/
I bet your listening/
To these words, youve wept and pitifully/
Tried to step and pilfer me/
I respect your will indeed/
But Im upset youre killing dreams/
Yet I still believe/
That youre good, so I check and willfully/
Extend a silver string/
That leads up to a blue sky/
If you die/
Without acceptance/
A lessons/
There, but truth lies/
In this invitation/
It erases/
All your lewd crimes/
You can deny it/
But arrival/
Of my justice comes in due time/
And as the clock ticks/
All this/
Serves no purpose, drop it/
Or Ill walk quick/
To your face and solve shit/
With a cocked fist/
But its foppish/
To pretend that were still children/
Our existence/
Has continued, explicit/
And coherent/
So hear this/
I forgive you, now stop this self destruction/
Use better judgement/
To save yourself from the spell your under/
The bell has rung and/
You stand before the guillotine/
Will you be redeemed/
Or be killed while evil breeds/
Inside you/
Because the light you/
Sought to extinguish now blinds you/
Decide, do/
You want to live or die soon/
Ill reunite you/
With humanity you discarded/
This trauma/
Had us so distraught cause/
You martyred/
Me for pleasure/
This endeavor/
Announces all the/
Soliders of karma/
Coming to kill you/
But will you/
Still prove/
Them right and mill through/
This life reduced/
To nothing/
Stop running/
And reveal truth/

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