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Deep Slices Through My Heart

You set me free/
I expected things/
To be better, we/
Worked through the upsetting peaks/
Our energies/
Coalesced into a centered theme/
Our destinies/
Might not be spent with ease/
But if youre meant for me/
Then our memories/
Wont fade/
So show faith/
And hope days/
Come, where were perpetually/
Clad in gloss/
In our Babylon/
As vagabonds/
As we praddle on/
As the madness wrought/
Makes us glad we fought/
Cause I have the thought/
That if youre next to me/
Then I can rest in peace/
Cause youre the best, indeed/
And its unsettling/
And it levels me/
The thought of complete silence/
My diseased mind is/
A leaf flying/
Through an uncertain haze, yet a brief shining/
Comes through, the grief binds me/
I reach blindly/
Out, and she finds me/
Deep slices/
Through my heart, relief kindly/
Meets my needs/
I look up, and breathe lively/
She greets shyly/
And I think why me/
To be freed finally/
Then a cool breeze reminds me/
Because Ive walked on eggshells/
For too long, not to stay well/
Embrace hell/
Ive done it/
And been troubled/
Still, my life cant remain shelved/
Explain bells/
Ringing, announcing my rapture/
Tears stinging, Im shouting my last words/
In the past sure/
Id have ask for/
Romance or/
Another chance to/
Avert disaster/
I clamored/
Up the wall and answered/
The call to arms, eschewed and trampled/
You bastards/
Youve lied to me and now Im dampened/
By the understanding/
That shes the best that Ill have for/
Awhile, cause theres a horizon/
Im fighting/
It as the time runs/
Lower, and Im kind of/
Beaten, but its alright cause/
Im in sight of/
The right love/
It revives some/
More of my dying trust/
In who I might of/
Been in different circumstances/
But the worst has passed its/
A curse Ive fastened/
An arms length away, Ive spurned advances/
From it, it hurt my chances/
To move further and this/
Wont be a burden damnit/
Life is here Ive learned to grab it/
Even when Im too hurt to fathom/
Because of you I dont pursue random/
With you my heart's set ablaze with/
The passion Id left unchained in/
My past, never changed it/
With you Ive had better days in/
The present, youre the way stripped/
Bare into happiness/
If I had stayed it/
Would be okay if/
Fate could reconcile/
I bet the vital/
Heartstrings will remain unfettered like the/
Times weve had, serene like a pond/
Ill leave but be strong/
Because I need all your calm/
Just dream of the mall/
And increase all your qualms/
Im bleeding to fall/
Into the relief of your arms/

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