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My past has been dredged up/
Ive been set up/
But Im fed up/
I guess the/
Executioners coming to disconnect my head from/
My neck cause/
Ive forgotten what my pen does/
To the best of/
People, Ive lead the/
Horse to water but its refusing to quench a/
Thirst that wont let up/
Ive been sent from/
The kingdom to the bottom of hell just/
To crawl my way back, eternally climbing/
You curse me and whine, please/
Stop, this isnt purgery fighting/
To prove that it doesnt carry the smell of/
Me burning and lying/
Dont be rash and just end trust/
Youre obsessed cause/
My admissions are a nest of/
You think/
Will lead/
To a fortress of pent up/
False beliefs/
That Ive decieved/
You with, babygirl pick your head up/
Ive confessed from/
Every corner of my heart and Im bent from/
Dents from/
This inquisition/
Just listen/
This is us, amidst love/
No more second guessing/
I bet youre wretching/
At the sentiment in/
These lyrics, but recollect it/
The meddling question/
Has intent to menace/
You and I/
So screw the lies/
And choose to fight/
Or Ill jet and end this/
Upset and deadened/
Because of a confession/
That clung to tension/
In the air, hung and fresh when/
I was dumb and said it/
Trust was vetted/
And that I understand completely/
When love was mentioned/
Believe I meant it/
So come and have a breather/
And drop all this cause needling/
Me about what I said before is some thievery/
Stealing from what we have left, we can hear the drum beating/
Because Im still so far from leaving/
And were left with thuds reaping/
Echoes of regret where our hearts were once singing/
Im done being/
Ashamed and the dust stinging/
My eyes as I open them up is rough blinking/
So ease up/
I cant appease some/
Dinged up/
Observation, please just/
Release the/
Beat up/
Youre tossing me/
Cause its startling me/
And this piece of/
Shit youve dug back up, it stinks up/
Our freedom/
Just enjoy me and let this disease run/
Towards each of/
The ghosts of our pasts and lets bury it/
This around is a source of embarrassmsnt/
I dont care if its/
Staring us/
In the face, Im not scared of shit/
Declaring this/
Bond we share, cause I cherish it/
I dare to wish/
For our return to paradise/
Staring right/
Into an angel's face, Ive reached the paradigm/
Of pure divine/
Austere design/
The cure to my/
As I sleep/
You purify/
My furied cries/
And with my clearing eyes/
Im here in sight/
Of where my image mirrored lies/
So dont crack that stained glass/
And claim that/
I lied to you, chained back/
By my strange past/
I hate that/
And the day that/
I trade class/
Like you for a half-baked clash/
At failed lust, I expect you to change brash/
And play fast/
And accept no take backs/
I wont be trading sass/
For tainted brass/
Explaining that/
Over and over, pisses me off, its crazy that/
Youd think I was craving trash/
As the gourmet that sustains me asks/
"Well you wrote it."/
Now Im choking/
On it, let it go, feelings change insanely fast/
"But you spoke it."/
I know that/
And baby that/
Was stupidity masquerading as/
Youve got to be/
Kidding me, if were embracing facts/
Im crazy and/
Were stuck together/
Done with tending/
Plants that are numb to weather/
Trying to water it, lust is never/
Comparable to real things, just remember/
Through distance and silence/
Well lift it and fight it/
Cause here exists a reminder/
That our love's forever/

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