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A Dream Of Forgiveness

Time is agony/
Rife with powerfully/
Connected injustices that like to straddle me/
With love its kind of nice and flowery/
But in its absence its designed to batter me/
Life's abandoned me/
To fight and bandage these/
Wounds that fester/
My tomb it beckons/
But I choose to send it/
To lie right down for me/
Try plastering/
Trite fantasies/
Over my grave with slight handling/
And write grandious things/
About me to nice pandering/
Tight families/
While I writhe disastrously/
And termites devour me/
Your eyes candidly/
My last words/
As your fine camera leaks/
As a slight dampened piece/
Of my lavish leap/
From hype's blackened peaks/
Into the pyre damning me/
Decides passing these/
Moments would be a waste/
But to see the face/
Of the cretin chained/
Beneath the crates/
Would be a scenic blaze/
Of seething hate/
Being great/
Thats a piece of cake/
But to speak in faith/
When nothing's seen, it takes/
A leap in haste/
Because to preen and wait/
Means you never believed, youre fake/
You speak and blame/
In a weak and lame/
An aristocrat/
Scared, living fast/
Sneer little brat/
From the tall meadows/
Of your false ghetto/
Just stop, let go/
Of your plot, let no/
Other people drop on death row/
Lost, a depressed ghost/
Caught in escrow/
Fallen, dead broke/
But not incensed, no/
Ive fought the best those/
Idiots had got to step close/
To me, but Im on top and blessed so/
I think Ive wrought the quests' stones/
And forgot that pressed cloaks/
Are lobbed at bent hosts/
Because the voices fading/
Are hoisted wading/
Through the annointed grave we/
Picked for me, a decoy displaying/
My annoyance taming/
The deployments tainting/
A young boy explaining/
Why hes so conflicted/
My hearts buoyant, waiting/
For a dream of forgiveness/
To be recieved and admitted/
So discrete and malicious/
To be cleaned is fictitious/
Ive screened all these critics/
And screamed for this mission/
To be ended/
And be free, mended/
I seek endless/
Winds, a breeze that will pick this/
Heavy heart/
From its unsteady scars/
And ready stars/
For a new tale, completely revisit/
My innocence/
Lift a quick/
Simple kiss/
From a Mother's mouth and listen in/
Because this is when/
You grip the stick/
And begin to shift/
And live again/
Crippled and/
Tripping in/
Your own convoluted dissonance/
Its ignorant/
To be bitter when/
The drifting wind/
Is tipping this/
Fight in your dizzying/
Youre upset with/
Your thoughts, stressing/
Youre restless/
The wretches/
Turning wrenches/
In your head are disrespecting/
You, a sick question/
Will you fight back/
A wisecrack/
Is like glass/
Shattering, it sliced slack/
From their hanging nooses/
So write rap/
And face it, truth is/
You can beat this/
Youre no defeatist/
And just like that/
Youve arrived back/
At where you were as battle rages/
Rattle cages/
And laugh at raging/
Bastards waging/
War on you/
The core volume/
Of your heart is slaying/
The sworn dark you/
House in a torn harbor/
But its more on you/
Because this life, you wont dart to waste it/

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