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Sacred Lies

Don't eclipse me/
I'm throwing iffy/
Broken victories/
Into an open chimney/
To be smoked indifferent/
Alone and drifting/
I hope you hear this/
Choking injury/
In a double dose with dearly/
Departed ghosts that still dream/
A note would thrill me/
But I know it'd kill me/
Mostly weary/
But I've grown in fury/
Loathed and gearing/
Up for battle/
Done with prattle/
And jumping at em/
With disgusting malice/
I'm running at this/
Rusty casket/
Trusting that it/
Won't crumble that quick/
Cause love is banished/
In the dusty attic/
Where my heart once thrust and challenged/
With every heartbeat/
And lunging faster/
A glum romance can/
Funnel ashes/
From nothing and just/
Punish brashness/
Punch the past in/
It's smirking face/
For hurting faith/
And drumming madly/
Asserting great/
But we're hurdling straight/
Into the burning wraith/
That dubbed me ousted/
Shun me now with/
Clumsy dour/
Faces, I'm invisible/
Like the pinnacle/
Of time in intervals/
Life is miserable/
Try to listen for/
Slight admission towards/
A righteous distant toll/
Crying cynical/
Lightning itches full/
Of nature's purpose/
A slave in service/
Dying still and dull/
Bile fills the bulk/
Of my parched throat/
As I see the cards flow/
Through calm ropes/
Of air that startle/
I'm caught so/
Fatally charmed though/
I've armed most/
Of the scarred folks/
With harsh tropes/
And dark hopes/
To barge home/
Through these charred oak/
Trees and mark some/
With necessary targets/
Bless the many conflicts/
That left us dead and buried wanting/
To rest and cherish all that/
Left unsteady problems/
And let us better ourselves/
My chest's already bombed in/
And debt has led me constant/
Sell a trembling offer/
To the hell of shedding armor/
I can tell I'm upsetting all your/
Sacred lies/
Maybe I/
Should remain disguised/
And wait to slide/
Into dementia/
No clue please send a/
Hazy ride/
To claim me nice/
And sanctify/
My daily life/
Crazy times/
Breed quicker demons/
Illicit heathens/
Instill a fever/
Drifting leeching/
From a sicker meaning/
Just believe its/
A mirror creeping/
If a piece of/
My inner evil/
Was bittersweet and/
I lifted beating/
From a mulched bit/
Of clearer reason/
Don't leave your pulpit/
Cause the culprit/
Was bullshit/
And it's cold when/
The nearest heat is/
From a killer's ink pen/

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