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Treasured Myths

Treasured Myths

Stays frightening/
I pray I can be/
The change brightening/
The world of some brave admiring/
Reader out there that strays silently/
To my blog, to claim rightfully/
That we share the same type of needs/
The array blinding me/
Is complex, pain minding me/
With every move I make/
And screw I tame/
When it's loose and break-/
I'm making/
The same de-/
Mented mistakes we/
All do, don't play hide and seek/
With my insane mind and sneak/
In to lay behind my feet/
Because these chains bind and squeak/
And make bison seem/
Quiet by comparison/
Some arrogance/
Would compel me to love errants and/
Run errands with/
Trust buried in/
My crushed merriment/
I'm done parrying/
The punch staring me/
In my face, a crunched flaring up/
Case of bust tearing up/
Eyes is what mirrors the/
Lies I'm fucked wearing cause/
Im delusional/
Illusions fooled/
Me, these stupid rules/
You made me follow, clues were sewn/
Into the fabric/
Of these bastard/
Memories, misconstrued, unwhole/
Screw the world/
I'm coming back to prove and cull/
These prudish cults/
Of personality/
Were works of fantasy/
Purged and passively/
With rude insults/
They observed, allowing me/
To work in tragedies/
I birthed in anarchy/
Of the worst disasters these/
Wicked haunting/
Twisted thoughts breathed/
Into words that pounded me/
Inert, distracting me/
While the vultures devoured me/
Curt and proud with ink/
I was lured to savagery/
Made to believe I was impure and slathering/
Myself with a hidden urge to ravish these/
Obscure mentalities/
It hurt me powerfully/
But I'm perfect now cause He/
Showed me the Earth without the screens/
I put up to believe I deserved the gallows weak/
Promise of redemption/
Cause the sea beckoned/
And I was finally at work, laughing free/
I wasn't burned but actually/
Served and gallantly/
Spurned by damning thieves/
That would churn the clamoring/
Contents of my stomach as the world turned and branded me/
So now I step amiss/
With stealth and quick/
Feet into this unmet abyss/
Death can kiss/
My ass for the rest of this/
Life, I need my klepto fix/
Cause I'm offending pricks/
With steady quips/
About blessings lived/
While doing reckless shit/
A total pessimist/
That wrote his death certif-/
I'm intimate/
And into this/
Life, so take up your weapon big/
Time and let's kill our dreaded mists/
This bell is tripped/
By wire as it tolls for inveterate/
Sheep grazing/
That don't need taming/
A meek wager/
Is an obscene payment/
For these lesser pigs/
I'm doing better if/
You don't settle in/
To my side of the relevant/
Fight here/
Or die near/
The ice smeared/
Over, because the heat is melting this/
In the room that became a corpse, unquestioning/
Won't save you/
They're fatal/
And my patience/
Is stretching thin/
Your answers are festering/
In your hearts, quelled and dim/
And we don't need them to be better men/
Anymore, because we're the next of kin/
 treasured myths/
I'm separatist/
Because I'm done censoring/
My soul and flame/
For the oldest pain/
I'm bold and great/
So let's begin/

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