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Let that flower blossom/
In the midst of dour problems/
Down to call them/
What they are, sour rotten/
Banners calling/
For the standard falling/
Sky, shouting all the/
Ears off the world, surrounding bossy/
Hounding thoughts we/
Cower softly/
From, take a commanding posture/
And wave past the drama/
Of collapsing dollars/
And static parlor/
Too thick/
To stand at all when/
Passion's strong winds/
Make them collapse and topple/
Fashion, Prada/
Contrast with modern/
Shackles on a/
Combatted fauna/
Of others like food stamps and condoms/
Imagine all the/
People holding ransoms on the/
Random costs of/
And disconnect/
From this blasted construct/
We sacrifice to/
As ashes blind truth/
Dash behind youth/
To buy your master's nine new/
Matching fine suits/
Getting plastered like glue/
On the weekends/
To release spent/
Energy and free them/
If only for another unanswered night to/
Be a disaster flying/
Under the radar of your tragic bindings/
To have reminders/
Of the saddest life you/
Have resigned to/
Plans entice you/
The chapters write proof/
That you're not the one who captured timeless/
Moments in a vacuum, live loops/
On replay/
Cause these days/
Your restraints/
Have no password sliced through/
In brooding scarlet/
From a moody harlot/
Do these bargains/
On my rueful promise/
To not intrude on God's wish/
Mean that I can soothe these scarred wrists/
With truths and honest/
Blooming callings/
Or am I doomed to always/
Zoom through hallways/
Paid my dues on dark days/
With clueless parlays/
With prudes that partake/
In choosing car lanes/
With which to zoom through harms way/
Through with nonsense/
And consumed with phonics/
Dunes of ominous/
Sand threaten to consume my partners/
Booze and polished/
Words that confuse the solid/
And spook the honor/
Bound among us to peruse my blog with/
Stupid harbored/
Their true departure/
To the tomb forgotten/
Lewd and harsh words/
Are food for starters/
If my soot and fauna/
Coated hands are Cupid's harmon-/
Ious indicators to boost my followers/
Then prove me and wrong and/
Lampoon my solemn/
To piece newer/
Schemes brewing/
In my head into a complete noose that/
I'm seeing through all/
Come bet me/
That I'll need you or/
Any of them to be useful/
Bleed through the/
Pain and clean wounds up/
To sleep through the/
Weak drooping/
I'm finding/
When the light dims/
And the beast chooses/
To come alive/
I run to fight/
And seek truth cause/
My cheeks' hues burn/
As I defeat hubris/
And cease choosing/
To increase bruising/
Because this belief's putrid/
And Ill no longer cling to it/

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