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Mexican Standoff

Mexican Standoff

I'm often dreaming/
And lost in scheming/
That obnoxiously/
Slaughters these/
Softer scenes and/
All this bleak/
Emotion topples me/
But talk is cheap/
So living tropically/
Was the best medicine/
For an indefenite/
Amount of time, sentencing/
Me to hollow leanings/
Locks and keys sing/
Through the Autumn's breezy/
Air, harshly clinking/
Together, washing, cleaning/
My sorrowful evening/
Constant leaving/
After polishing these/
Admonished three things/
Called years, I'll astonish deeper/
Pawned off you and me/
Moss on jewelry/
Is caught proving me/
Wrong for cluelessly/
Moving on from choosing these/
Awful prudences/
That stop me brutally/
Stalking stupid things/
Haunting booths and re-/
Minding myself in a hostile usurping/
Of my cautious movements, these/
Topics fooling me/
Are a novice oozing genes/
That rocket newer things/
Up to my pockets, Uber eats/
Of logic, shrooms and E/
Hydroponics, putrid leaves/
Are talking through to me/
Appaled by use of weed/
But the chronic's using me/
Bubbling cauldron's spewing steam/
I'm bumbling, hopping, duped and weak/
Going on psycho rants/
Killing sycophants/
I can laugh/
At the supposed higher classes/
Striking classless/
Vile habits/
That's why I'm clashing/
Striking mad/
At idle hands/
Biting that/
Feeding writhing bast-/
Ard, sliding backwards/
From his icy grasp/
The title track/
Of my life is that/
I'm striking back/
So hide those plans/
To ride slow past/
The dying growth mad/
As the fire glows at/
Five or at/
Least nine gross slaps/
Of varying degrees/
Cherishing beliefs/
That are swearing yet discreet/
The air I cannot seem/
To bear or even breathe/
Carrying the fev-/
Er and staring this defeat/
In it's weariest deceit-/
Ful, evil/
Ly weeping/
Gaze, scaring it with heat/
Arrogance is brief/
In the lariat I keep/
Life on, parrying the neat/
Of this variance, a beast/
Flaring it's own feet/
I'm daring it to blink/
Mexican standoff/
Dead and a man caught/
In the depths of the downtrodd-/
En echoes he cant calm/
Down enough to let go and cast off/
Enter the land sought/
By everyone tapped on/
The shoulder/
By the coldest/
They've ever known in/
Their lives, destined to pass on/
Revenants slander all/
We know, irreverence, facts not/
Completely right/
But obscenely liked/
Come keep the light/
While running free/
Only to suddenly/
Lose the pressure that brands gloss-/
Y impudence a treasure to crass fault-/
Less people, a semblance of passed on/
Remnants of passed gods/

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