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The past reminds me/
Of the shattered ice we/
Broke, then demanding lively/
Circumstances dragged us crying/
Over craggy, slicing/
Rocks, imagining times we/
Were together, laughing, crying/
And standing righteous/
I had to write this/
To make sense of the cracks in my stream/
Of thoughtless/
Action finding/
Me heartless/
I'm starting/
To notice the ransom I need/
To pay to you/
Enslaved to you/
Beautiful, your name will soon/
Be replaced with truth/
Again, as the day renews/
Itself, and night brings a waning moon/
I'm facing you/
In my dreams/
You despise me/
So unlike these/
Instances of play we knew/
The pain refused/
To leave me, but baby you/
Slay me through/
Silence, cleaves me straight in two/
Lakes and pools/
Of tears cascading, zoom/
Down the length of bruised/
Love and the charade we choose/
Everytime we/
Send a pricy/
Cent or climbing/
Dollar into the ending riding/
Towards me in the dead of night, these/
Threats and spiraling/
Sayings petrify me/
My regret just might bring/
The dead to life, we/
Could begin again, but nevermind these/
Unsettled minds we/
Possess are jesters trying/
To take us away from the better findings/
This treasured life brings/
Instead of trying/
To recreate/
What was/
It seems your face/
Comes up/
As I leave the gate/
Of love/
Open and bleed in faith/
That some of/
These things I say/
Will sum up/
What I need to say/
I fucked up/
Please just wait/
Trust the/
Belief you claimed/
You had in me/
So casually/
And touch the/
Deceased and shamed/
Put some blood/
In my heart, as it beats and shakes/
It reawakes/
And seems to take/
The disease that wastes/
Me and shames/
Us outback/
To slam trash/
Down fast/
And I cling to fate/
Screaming thanks/
At the screeching gates/
Giving me a second chance/
To settle down/
With you, this wreckage bound/
To us is a record snapped/
In edges, halves/
And pieces in this desert town/
The special brow/
I've walked on is electric, cracks/
With metal jacks/
And desperate acts/
But what I mentioned packed/
A punch and I meant it loud/
And clear, my special match/
Lets sever foul/
Memories and let the clouds/
Rise and send a crown/
To us on this trek we drowned/
In, the best in hand/
With me, a menace stands/
With his treasure and/
Gives an unpressured glance/
And bids farewell/
As the snare pelts/
Its final beat, where less is grand/

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