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Shadowed Beaches

Shadowed Beaches

Out of your shadow/
The hurt, shallow/
Curt mouth of/
Love disturbs and glows/
With the burn of damned coals/
I learn and grow/
But the firm hand so/
Is clever/
And works fast so/
I swerve, gallop/
Towards the birth slandered/
By your Earth, stand broke/
And churn malleable/
I'm sure candor/
Could light obscure candles/
With mirth found low/
In the dirt, hands o-/
Ver come by ferns, tramples/
So come to me/
And earn power/
Germs answer/
When I search faster/
For pure rapture/
I cure phantoms/
With demure outlooks/
And purge dandruff/
From the worst after/
Effects of my thoughts, lurch outward/
Because independence/
Between this obsession/
And me is reflecting/
A listless trek in-/
So this pers-/
On could figure lessons/
Out for himself, youthful indiscretions/
I'm quick to mention/
Cause sick resentment/
Except they're not pictures capturing/
Me digging depths with/
Missing trenches/
The missiles headed/
Towards me are figments repping/
My imagination/
Its magic faded/
Long ago as I said get to stepping/
The games of children beckoned/
And I responded with tricky death and/
I sipped the lemon-/
Ade while I tipped the Devil/
With my peace of mind/
Reason, life/
Deeper ties/
To positive inflection/
And my hidden weapons/
Thankfully religion kept them/
In blissful tents and/
Christian tenets/
It's been a simple pleasure/
To pop blisters, stepping/
On them, the grimace entering/
My face is worth it no longer sitting, festering/
I scream to you listen, begging/
As you trip and tremble/
I working to forgive the sedent-/
Ary parts of me for the literal better/
Consider entries/
Like this a written letter/
To you, I'm getting better/
By reclaiming/
My life, awakening/
From this slipping weather/
I grip the tether/
To this glimmering entrance/
With a semblance/
Of dripping wetness/
Falling from my eyes/
Cause the sun, it shined/
As I flipped a record/
With results in reverse/
This dessert/
Is just, an instant burst/
Of lifted work/
Pistols swerve/
Through the air, crimson spurt/
From the heart of this lich, this curr/
That leeched from me, pissed but sure/
Because I still seek your guidance/
Believe me I'm just/
Wading through life with a degree of pliant/
Direction, the sea is rising/
My freedom's crying/
Out Gino, I'm in/
Here, and I need to find it/
In deeper tides and/
Battle evil pirates/
Reaping eyelids/
Apart as I dream and die in/
Them, reaching titles/
And breaching islands/
Beaches, lie in/
Their sands, pleasing my kin/

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