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The L Word

The L Word

So breathless/
You're coquettish/
I know lessons/
Learned in the past grow tender/
In my mind, but close reference/
Will slow questions/
About this show, let's just/
Let nature/
Take her/
Lead and sew tempting/
Odes, guesses/
You're rose scented/
I noticed when swift-/
Ly you glowed steady/
Past me, awoke, deafened/
As I dozed, rested/
Reality broke, rendered/
Me alone, reckoned/
I'd goad a semblance/
Of hope restless/
From you, a joke, pensive/
But when you spoke, blessings/
Poured endless/
From your lips, a grove treasured/
With gold petals/
Fallen from cozy nestled/
Flowers, a moan, pleasured/
By old memor-/
Ies, low embers/
As the smoke settles/
You said I was a mirage, transient/
Here, gone, ambient/
"This feels wrong", you said, grabbing at/
Me, a kiss caught, happiness/
Is ours, laughing and/
Singing, lift off, crashing in/
To mixed stars, antsy and/
Quick I'll smash these threats/
To our hidden spot, gravity/
Wont dissolve passionate/
Quips, thoughts, asking if/
This bond is actually/
A real concrete masterpiece/
Should you risk all, sanity/
Or just crawl out of this/
Enthralled, howling at/
The moon, still drawn, ravenous/
Sick dawning adamant/
Realization, were not having this/
Come to true fruition/
Steers all, dancing in/
Place, and who's the victim/
You arent, this is/
My truest wish that/
You whisk all slandering/
Away and live on, basking in/
The light, its paler/
From its frightened manger/
I can veil your/
Heightened trail to/
The vibrant stairs of/
Life regaling/
The type of ailment/
We strive to sail from/
A vile maelstrom/
I'm the tale of/
King Midas wailing/
After he touched his brightest frailty/
This slice of failure/
Is the price of caring/
Just enough to ride the rails of/
The heart, but glide and scared, run/
From the mighty L word/
Im the selfish/
Island pelted/
In the middle of the ocean/
Simply cause eloping/
Stifles any/
Frittering emotion/
Quickening its coasting/
Through my sickening and lonely/
Ministry of open/
Relationships, living free and choking/
On withering devotion/
Existing seeking solace/
For slithering and soaking/
On the mission of the broken/
Listing all the owner-/
Ship you loathe the shit/
That comes with listening and openness/
Pistol in the potent/
Glistening potion/
Missles seeking rodents/
Like you to cripple in explosions/
I'm a misfit, I'm a soldier/
A chrysalis, important/
Distant and eroded/
Fixing himself boldly/
In the interim of holding/
Onto scriptures and the Holy/
Through these trials/
Please subside/
And killing roving/
Demons existing in his sordid/
Mind, I'm a drifter as the pulse beats/

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