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I'm a wanderer/
An uncommon bird/
Flying, on the verge/
Of a cosmic turn/
Of events, stop the purge/
Of racing noise in your head, wasps interred/
Until it's a nest of thoughts and cursed/
Awful words/
The tropics cured/
Me of what I'd lost at first/
But then it sought to hurt/
Me with every dot I merged/
On the treasure/
Map, an awesome surge/
Of docile verbs/
Enacting a hostile pers-/
On to do his jarring worst/
The harvest churned/
In me the honest urge/
To calmly burn/
The walls I serve/
These thralls and currs/
Despondent burd-/
Ens on me/
Me often, turn-/
Ing to the parts of her/
That start me sure/
On a pardon, cert-/
Ain path to karmic pur-/
Ity, hurriedly/
I charge, I burst/
Onto the scene with a brawl observed/
In my head, raw and terse/
Call alerts/
Because I'm going to knock the world/
Out from under you/
Make way because I'm coming through/
Rushing truth/
To the surface/
In earnest/
Like I love to do/
Trusting fools/
Was how I got flustered, soon/
I'm gonna grab that silver fucking spoon/
And run it through/
Your stomach, boom/
The gun and smooth/
End of the barrel cuts and looms/
Mushing shrooms/
Into the bloody wound/
Dusty rooms/
You shouldve stayed away from, disgusting new/
Kid, puss it ooze-/
S as vomit flushes, spews/
From your mouth, clutching booze/
To pour in/
Comfort you/
But rest plundered, used/
Because the end has busted you/
Criminal element/
From a distance it's elegant/
A little dismembering/
And a trip to a veteran/
Surgeon to snip and assemble shit/
That was clipped unintentional-/
Ly during that gun fight, nearly crippled pathetically/
Simple and petulant/
The riddle is meddling/
At every turn in that little discredited/
Innocent head you fit/
In the middle of everything/
You deliver your sentiment/
You're shivering, deaf again/
To the world, more than some rippling embarassment/
History's mentioned this/
Multiple times, you prissy irrelevant/
Dipshit I'm sending this/
Bullet downrange/
Because I have faith/
That this round pays/
Instant with endlessly/
Returning dividends blessing me/
The anticipation/
I can hardly stand and take it/
This damning patience/
Is a tad bit draining/
I'm grabbing sacred/
Lambs and placing/
Slabs of baking/
C4 under them, laughing, waiting/
Then strapping basic/
Followers to them when they wrap emaci-/
Ated arms around their vacant/
Eyed fattened saviors/
Grinning as I slap the aiding/
Button, and the massive quaking/
Explosions are actually shaking/
Them to their flaccid cores/
Dashed with sore/
Asses born/
Of my massive hatred/
For their placid wasted/
Society on the land they've taken/
With my hands I'll make this/
World my own, and I'll break with/
All of these/
Taught to me/
As a slab of angry/
Passion sustains me/
Because the past has made me/
And I am awakened/

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