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Death Row

Death Row

I cant sleep/
Because these damn bleat-/
Ing fat sheep/
Harass me/
With thoughts of home everlasting/
They ask me/
If I'm doubting/
Whether I'll be happi-/
Er back there or out be-/
Ing the bad dream/
I've been to half the peop-/
Le I've known, just last week/
I slapped, beat/
Down three/
Annoying ass teens/
For laughing/
As I watched a movie slammed, beat/
After a savage week/
At work, I found these/
Hands swing-/
Ing grabbing/
Necks to gash and ring/
While attacking/
I stand, shriek/
And pass weak/
Guards, they cant catch me/
Befalls actually/
Facts and brief/
Glass meet-/
Ings with a pastor week-/
Ly leaves me/
A deity/
To help free me/
But they keep me/
In this cage weeping/
To beat these/
Rage when they leash me/
Up like a dog, deep things/
Run through my head underneath these/
Veins running varicose/
My demons seem/
To always be very close/
Air and smoke/
Are an errant joke/
The mirror pokes/
And jeers me, hope/
Is out of reach, please/
Just feel the rope/
Tightening each sleek/
Minute around my neck, staring those/
Apparent cloaked/
Guards in the face, blaring old/
Songs from my childhood/
When I was wild, good/
But slightly pushed/
Over the edge, married so/
Young to despair and float-/
Ing ice in a drink on Death's cherished row/
A pear and bones/
With no meat, my meal for those/
Lonely nights/
After I chose to fight/
And broke the light/
Of my cell, throat was right/
By the jagged edges, exposed to slice/
Through, cleared alone/
To deal with slow/
Boiling hatred/
The boy we wasted/
Teaching, cloistered, weighed him/
Down with poison, tasted/
It so young, anointed flagrant-/
Ly, he was annoyed, debased and/
Toyed with daily/
Destroyed and placed in/
Turmoil, strangled/
By the choices made when/
He voiced the rage and/
Pointed straight at/
The cause of his broiling anger/
A foiled wagers'/
Uncoiled, tamed it/
But only made it/
Because of he was hoisted mainly/
By the blessings of a toiling stranger/
Poised and claimed by/
The noisy chains he/
Coined a phrase he/
Boisterously maimed/
Loiter, stay/
But be coy and stray/
Because it's indefinite/
If for the hell of it/
I'll wretch and rip/
The ends of this/
Straitjacket off and blow this joint today/

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