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I long for this/
Social walking mist/
I used to partner with/
Every cautionless/
Night I'd go out, starting with/
A shot that just/
Led to a constant fifth/
Of Jack in my hands, often with/
Vodka mixed/
With pop or simp-/
Le juice, it calmed but it/
Was ponderous/
Before Tropics slit/
It's own throat I'd park in it/
A constant hit/
In the corner, my card charging with/
Drinks, smart and fit/
But pardon miss/
If I vomit in/
The awful bin/
By where you thought to sit/
I'm awful when/
I drink, an ominous/
Posture that/
I take before slaughtering/
Anyone bothering/
Me preposterously/
Its obvious/
To me that cautiousness/
Is something that needs to be common when/
You're arguing/
But I disappear/
When this unclear/
Set of messages is shit, austere/
Risk my near/
Death experiences on shifting gears/
The limbs I shear/
On the fights picked right here/
Missed lightyears/
Clipped eyes, tears/
Blips like mirrors/
On my radar/
To stay far/
Away all/
The time, play darts/
With clay charge-/
S at K-Mart/
To remain soft/
Yet bang hard/
With a grey heart/
On these beige docks/
I'll straight crawl/
Through the reclaimed park/
That made bought/
With stray thoughts/
I meant no disdain, harm/
Or hate al-/
Though I may break off/
The waning tops/
Of clay pots/
Sugar cane straws/
Cant sweeten this complacent broth/
Cause I placed awe-/
Some spices in its blazing cause/
Don't forsake me God/
Even if I'm not the way you brought/
Me into this world, a plainly washed/
Pure sheet of dainty cloth/
Not I'm angry, lost/
On this ancient march/
Unaided brawls/
Through the cascading marsh/
Of the night, my patience gone/
I'm hasty, wronged/
But maybe all/
Of this is the cave we sought/
For me to lay and rot/
In, left in gutters/
Dead and uncer-/
Erroneous we/
Pet the crutches/
That kept us up when/
We'd otherwise spread and crumble/
A blend of stubble/
And breaded crumbs from/
My endless lunches/
From wretched dumpsters/
And the charity of blessings from others/
But the varied thieves/
Are aware of me/
So I'm always prepared to leave/
With my engine running/
My terror is pungent/
But I swear its something/
To live for/
Because there's still war/
Inside my head, just under-/
Stand, I'm not an errant gust of/
Wind, I've got my dearest Mother/
And cheerful lover/
But the streets swallow me/
So here's my apologies/
Because I'm pardoning/
My mere discovery/
Before you sneer and judge me/
Because all of you are really ugly/

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