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This tea's cold/
And it's peaceful/
I dont believe you'll/
Call back for a sequel/
To this evil/
I know I didnt treat you/
Right, never beat you/
But the creep you/
See when we lock eyes defeats truth/
Please dull/
Those blades glinting/
In your eyes, insane shifting/
From today's misery/
To the pain drifting/
In and out, wait, hear me/
Talk, inane simping/
We no longer play, gripping/
Each other's hearts with the same feeling/
I'm dazed, hitting/
The wall, pain dripping/
From my knuckles/
They're sliced, busted/
And now I'm awake, whimpering/
Cause my cut is/
Deeper than ice lumbering/
Inside ovens/
As it tries covering/
Itself with spices, buzzard and/
Rice, custard and/
A live blubbering/
Group of mice succumbing as/
They're time's running at/
Them with fried stuffing, cap-/
Sized, punching back/
At the slight tundra that/
It still is, try coming at/
Me, I'm an assassin/
Rush fast with/
Some frantic/
Pace you'd never lunge at a/
Predator with/
Sedative in/
One hand and/
The other ready to punch passion-/
Ately, it's better to quit/
While you're ahead with this bitch/
But especially when/
You're both so close to ending the hitch/
Together and split/
But I'm a veteran in/
This game, the OG's/
Know me/
They better dismiss/
These charges encroaching/
And stop spreading it thin/
A definite tip/
Of the hat towards the death of a wish/
In heading to hit/
My next target/
And your neck's on it/
So dont bet on this/
Week because you'll be dead in a ditch/
Never to live/
Again because I'm fresh from the kill/
I'm the spectre of will/
Long denied/
It defines/
Me, says, "Don't sleep, write"./
"You won't sleep tight."/
"Because I'll make sure you see rhymes"/
"In the deep plights"/
"Of your unique life"/
The beat thrives/
Because I'm riding it/
While climbing this/
Fire in/
My soul, my pyre is/
Rising in/
The world, retiring/
My idol is/
Myself because others were silent/
While I was perspiring/
Pile shit/
Up while smiling/
To build a barricade/
To ensnare the shame/
In your harried brain/
Staring straight/
Into the eyes of what you're scared to face/
Buried fazed/
In your eerie grave/
How'd that cherry taste/
When it popped as you neared the gates/
Gleaming pearly white while wearing fake/
Robes that hide that you're married, claimed/
By scarlet/
The darkness/
And your errant state/
Of despairing faith/

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