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Idle March

Idle March

I'm sorry we never island hopped/
I'd forgot/
Your list, now time is not/
On our side, but loss/
Isnt real, let's try and toss/
Some life and posh/
Living into the vines and moss/
Hanging from the stylish plot/
Of jungle we're in, with vices, strong/
Love and pine that falls/
In needles, dont cry and sob/
Just rise and talk/
With me, you're the brightest star/
In my violent heart/
And your light enthralls/
Me like a song/
Written by our God/
In Heaven with pious thoughts/
Let's fly and start/
Our journey and tie the knot/
That binds us, locked/
In place, concise with brawn/
To the tithes we sought/
In each other back in that idle March/
Let's go hike, get lost/
Across streams, serene/
I hope you think of me/
When you sleep and dream/
Of indecency/
Combined with the eager need/
To love you deep and free/
Be with me/
Whether here or across either sea/
Please believe/
That I'm seeing things/
Clearly for the first time since I was beaten, heaved/
Over the edge, and saw the evil gleam/
In the eye of the world, treated mean/
Alone I'm that reaper, freak/
Beleaguered tree/
And ruthless/
Through life with a demon's wings/
But with you I find deeper mean-/
Ing not receding/
Because together reading/
Or sneaking/
Through the night we're King and Queen/
I feel complete, I beam/
I dance to our beat and sing/
Dont need that ring/
To become what we can be/
But one day these old strings/
Will be clipped/
And then we skip/
Town and together we'll cling and keep/
Every tarnished promise/
Baby the car is started/
And the clock is calming/
Down, there's no false alarm and/
The road is spotless, cars in/
Any lane wont be drama causing/
Let's leave, no more park or stalling/
Karma called in/
His debts and I paid him promptly, honest/
So we're almost in provi-/
Dance, Elysian Fields and the constant pardon/
Of any misgiving, I just want you on this/
Road with me/
Notice things/
Are different, the path is polished, flawless/
Pardon all this/
But I cant hold these/
Feelings in, I'm caught in conflict/
Because this hardened convict/
Is with a starlet, flawless/
Somehow, but the futures opulent. carved with/
Our names/
Built on faith/
And the brawls we fought in/
You're my Harley, bombshell/
So let's make this awesome Autumn/
Last forever/
Pass the letters/
Because I'm living them with every I dotted, chartered/

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