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Torched Gold

Torched Gold

So now I'm free/
Fuck, how could these/
Tragic things/
Kill the magic we'd/
Had going for a few astounding weeks/
The past it seems/
Wont let go of our happy schemes/
I held, and hold, onto the rapture indeed/
It started so casually/
The havoc you reaked/
On my heart was akin to radical pleas/
Because I took action to keep/
You, to see you/
As much as we could stand to just be/
In our own presence/
The present/
Of forever/
Turned my drab and distinct/
Life into something with flash and pristine/
Power and reach/
Your gallant mystique/
Had me prowling the weeds/
And high grasses/
For this guy's chance at/
A pass for his deeds/
Hoping God, in His answers that He'd/
Feel generous/
Cause my eloquence/
Doesnt shelter this/
From the pestering/
Of his own conscience and restlessness/
Ever since/
I met the hint/
I should've/
Took in/
Hella quick/
I rented this/
You've given me/
Like a debtor in/
Prison for the hell of it/
I'll remember this/
Slice of Heaven with/
The vehemence/
Of an elephant/
But if you want to wrestle with/
Me instead of just/
Sitting down to better this/
Of ours, I cant really be ahead of it/
Because I'm just as guilty, more so/
But more morose though/
Because I've torched gold/
While you gave untold hope/
To a rebel with/
No cause for thinking he'd ever get/
What you left to him/
So I rev and shift/
Gears, touch/
The clutch/
And then I lift/
My foot from the peg and hit/
Downwards, my legs and hips/
Such certain pulls/
From other cool/
Rushes and rules/
Broken and crushed under a/
Lusting for dull/
Times to be dust in the duel/
Mirrors of a rusty and old/
I chose this life so/
I dont deny the/
Polar ice so/
On this rift/
On my heart, but I've shouldered my ghosts/
For more than I'd hoped/
So for my clos-/
Ing statements I'm throwing tyrants/
Off as I flow and grind slow/
Folks that I've shown/
My ill boding light to/
That froze and lied to/
Me and said they understood/
But busted, pushed/
Against me, fucking wuss-/
Es, they dont know that I've grown/
From this road that winds so/
Crazy, it's a total mind blow/
But it sort of brines most/
Because the first lesson/
Is that to hurt's a blessing/
But I worked and pressed it/
Forward and burned the stresses/
And turned the sessions/
Of my worst confessions/
Into the perfect ending/
Because it goes to chime so/
And proudly/
That I rose in cyclones/
And roamed in crime zones/
So come pray/
For me in my dope revival/

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