Skin After I was molested/ I'd come to know whether/ Or not I would be broke, festering/ Or if my sole pleasure/ Would be to not choke every/ Time he came around, I was so sheltered/ By the cold weather/ That love wouldn't clothe severed/ Limbs, amputated/ After patient/ Dancing, waiting/ For the foreboding entrance/ Of arose questions/ Like why'd you do it/ Were you alright through it/ Whyd you hide truth when/ I cried, rumin-/ Ating on the times, rooms and/ Denied clueless-/ Ness on these kinds of movements/ A child zoomed a-/ Way from quite ruthless-/ Ly, and to my students/ Studying these words, I'm the light proving/ You can/ Survive too if/ You dig deep and slice, booming/ Your voice, cause I've used it/ To strengthen myself, the tide's boosting/ Me up, and if you write to me/ I'm happy saying/ That I'm saving/ Others from suicide, through these/ Lines clueing/ You into divine music/ And to my de...