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Man In The Mirror

Man In The Mirror

I feel it lurking/
Benearh my ship's keel, a serpent/
My entire life I'll deal with burdens/
I never wanted, never will deserve it/
But the rumor mill's enduring/
Did I will this vermin/
To kill a certain/
Part of my kneeling fervent/
Inner child, you hate me because the wheels are turning/
To heal my hurts and/
Still be person-/
Able was through naught but sheer determin-/
Action, I'm the fearless worthy/
Warrior that cured his version/
Of your pain, you cant look the man in the mirror in certain/
Parts of his face, his ears are bursting/
From the internal chaos, the sheer dispersing/
Of pain from what I revealed so tersely/
We're not peers, so curb the/
Cheers and verses/
You wont come near my churches/
Because you're austere, a worm that/
Feeds his dreary purpose/
I've been free, you're near the worst winds/
Blowing away your beers and burning/
Narcotics with eerie pursed lips/
Because your life's a prison sentence and you're struck and sealed, so serve it/
But then the flashbacks recede/
And I'm a Man deeply/
Changed and I react sweetly/
In the face of the past reaching/
For the mast keeping/
Me afloat, no more bad, weak knees/
You asked me please/
Dont pull back these sheets/
And show me for what I am, a damaged preteen/
Who never got the chance he need-/
Ed to grow and bask, preaching/
The power of the task leaping/
Forth from the black evening/
That kept him trapped weeping/
Prevented his growth from a sad, creaking/
Survivor to a glad beaming/
Pillar of grand beseeching/
You cracked, pleading/
For forgiveness and lasting free-/
Dom from what you did to that kid, crashed these dreams/
Idyllic into a damp, weak stream/
And even now, over 2 decades later/
I no longer feel shame, anger/
Or hate breaking/
The surface every same day or/
Page grating/
On my well developed claimed patience/
You say they were/
Good times, we had a great relation-/
Ship, but this had always played favorites/
And our bond, the pain claimed it/
And we still remained strangers/
The game changer/
Was me setting a different pace, making/
All of yall uncomfortable, but fuck it, I needed to break chains and/
Display safety/
For that boy who stayed 8 for/
20 years until the older Gino braved scathing/
Internal strife/
And wished for the life/
He wouldve had if you couldve restrained playing/
And hadnt forced him to acquaint danger/
Dont blame age for/
Your cowardice now, you cant save face or/
Lies anymore because your cave's laced with/
And Death's chosen/
These lies, everyone stay patient/

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