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Yours Truly

Yours Truly

I woke up and my stomach hurt/
I took medicine but the dirge/
Never left and nothing worked/
So I bluntly cursed/
And asked loudly why I was clubbed and burned/
Because the pain was the fucking worst/
My joints creaked; they were dusty, turned/
Inside out by the pummeling yours/
Truly hit them with with a disgusting purp-/
Ose daily/
I should stop trudging merc-/
Ilessly and rest, but my knuckles yearn/
For cracking, and that trumps the urge/
To relax and stop hustling first/
Trust me, swerve/
And miss me with that weakness, I'm flunking your/
Lessons, because they're musty, worth/
Nothing, mirth/
And drive have me succumbing, cursed/
To sweat and bleed/
Won't let me be/
But it's sure/
Struck a nerve/
Because I'm rubbing cert-/
Ain elbows/
And they'll know/
My name before those ugly curt-/
Ains fall on me/
I'm promising/
My love and vert-/
Ical ascension in this life wont be lucky, terse/
Or grasping for money earned/
From a juggling purse/
But itll be public, burst-/
Ing forth from my heart in gushing spurts/
Of blood, leave it on the canvas/
I was lost and manic/
Tossed the habits/
Out that were causing panic/
With me and caught the magic/
By its body, grabbed it/
Red, often handed/
Awful standards/
But fought them standing/
I've crawled, been slammed in/
To walls and asked Him/
Why am I so problematic/
When my peers had exalted status/
Exquisite cloth and mansions/
While I'm coughing, stammering/
In the cold, I heard their obnoxious laughter/
I am not the clamoring/
Idiot you thought you had in/
Your company/
This drudgery/
Your preposterous, malice/
Had me feeling caught and branded/
In bondage, tragic/
I'd walk for hours/
And talk to imagin-/
Ary friends, anyone but you retarded cowards/
I'm not good at this job or sour/
Disposition, I didnt want this dour/
Life, not this outcome/
Boxing, balanc-/
Ing on these, the strongest hands its/
They're all I needed to stop, command this/
Life with Rocky's glamour/
Stalking hour-/
Ly in the gym, I'd polish power/
Because you're not smarter, rather/
You're just improper slander/
With a splotchy pallor/
Fuck computers, this is my world, take that gun and cock it backwards/
Because you're mine and this is all my grandeur/

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