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A Call To Arms

A Call To Arms

Life is hectic/

And I'm neglected/

Kind of sceptic/

A tank, yet both of my mired treads sit/

Stuck in my own legend/

I'm irreverent/

Yet try to spend this/

Time I'm blessed with/

Writing, spreading/

My boundaries out until their vile heads spin/

A slight remembrance/

Of being alive and friendly/

Now I'm trying endless-/

-ly to survive the weather/

This unbridled treasure/

Sits, waiting to be discovered/

With utter/

Disdain, I rip thunder/

And grip trusted/

People closely, and trip under/

The weight that encumbers/

Me with sick bundles/

Of teeth smiling, I exist, function/

To slip, crunching/

My bones below the big bunches/

Of risks pummeling/

Me, but I still love this/

Life, so I sit, lunge and/

Fire crisp punches/

Until something/

In my wrists buckles/

Amidst huddles/

I take all the risk, trudging/

Through the darkness, I miss nothing/

Because I'm empty, see the shadow and skip, running/

Over and trip, stumbling/

But still jumping/

To get pumping/

My arms to kiss ugly/

Nightmares, but I see the lich crumbling/

As he walks towards me/

I'm calm, ignoring/

The gut saying to cross, storming/

My hand over my face, the walls forming/

The symbol, but he scoffs, soaring/

Into laughter, like these thoughts bore him/ 

A small warning/

Of what was to come in this harsh war we/

Got cordially/

Caught sorting/

Out, and we're locked, torching/

The already parched mortar/

Tarred floorings/

If this is my dark torment/

To balk only/

At the light, then God, pour each/

Vat holding/

That Holy/

Water on the old me/

Because I've watched sordid/

And been launched forward/

Into the monster's open/

Mouth to be swallowed grossly/

I've not chosen/

This path I stalk lonesome/

But yall know this/

I will not forfeit/

Do not forget/

The fire we're all forged in/

So let's kill these cowards/

That sit and slander/

The rich and power-/

-Ful as every minute passes/

Fickle hour-/

-glasses drip molasses/

Pricks with ample/

Time to bitch, harass us/

They want to strip the fabric/

Clean from the middle classes/

Stomp the gate that exists to banish/

The sickest havoc/

Away from our kids and families/

The irony is that if it passes/

And they do dismiss their passion/

Project, there will be nothing to resist or crash in/

To, theyll be exposed to the picks and axes/

Ripped and manic-/

-Ally slit and tattered/

So go ahead and eclipse the banter/

That we've attempted with you, all of you sicken planters/

Of seeds at the dawn of a new world, so go ahead and keep your fists and daggers/

Ready, because we're getting madder/

And we're ready to break ribs and slash you/

You want violence, here's a gift and address/

Because we're coming you listless tragic/

Sadistic bastards/

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